ANSWER: The public can verify if a person is a licensed Real Estate Broker, Appraiser, or Consultant via PRC website at
You can verify using two possible combinations: (1) first name and surname, or (2) license number and birthday.
You can only verify the supervising Broker of the Salesperson. Salespersons are not verifiable in the PRC website. It is for this reason that Salespersons must indicate their name and the verifiable information and contact number of their Broker in their marketing materials such as fliers, brochures, identification cards, business cards, and online advertisements. Example below is what you will see in the marketing medium of legitimate Salespersons that are verifiable in PRC website.
For inquiries, please contact:
Juan de la Cruz Ramirez*
Tel Nos. 02-1234567
Email: JuanDeLaCruz@Yahoo.Com
* PRC-registered Salesperson under
Real Estate Broker license of John Odonnell Petalcorin
Broker Tel No. 0921-7172040
For inquiries, please contact:
Juan de la Cruz Ramirez*
Tel Nos. 02-1234567
Email: JuanDeLaCruz@Yahoo.Com
* PRC-registered Salesperson under
Real Estate Broker license number: 0010105, 09/15/1973
Broker Tel No. 0921-7172040
If there is anything else important that I forgot to include in this article, or if you experienced a real estate transaction that is anomalous, scam, fraudulent scheme that you want me to document and expose for others to be warned, or if you want to donate to the war chest of real estate consumer rights advocacy, please feel free to email me at JohnPetalcorin@Gmail.Com. If you want to comment about this article, there is a provision for this purpose that you can find below.
Thank you so much for visiting my site. May God Bless You!
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